
Who’s Next is a networked high speed top down competitive shooter game where Players move fast, attack fast, and die fast. This project was an extremely quick prototype turn around for full networking, the networking included auto lobbying and rapid matchmaking. Though it was never funded the project was a fun prototype and gave me my first experience with networking.

Project Info

Role: Gameplay Programmer

Team Size: 2

Time Frame: 2 Weeks

Engine: Unreal Engine 4


I worked on both the design and implementation of the entirety of Who’s Next, predominantly this included the networking, and the character controller.

The networking work consisted of course of full replication and creating quick gameplay that didn’t feel choppy, as well as a lobbying architecture that would automatically handle match making so each game ended by continuing into the next.

The character controller used fully customized components to handle smooth movement and quick replicated movement. As well as a melee implementation using box traces that takes up a small area drawn based on directional input. And lastly some fun projectile physics that calculated bounce directions based on hit.

The biggest challenge of this project was the small team size along with the quick deadline. This being my first interaction with networking I had a lot to pick up quickly with nothing more than reading through documentation, but this was an incredible learning opportunity and I was able to finish the prototype and gain a deeper understanding of networked games. While there is a lot of polish I wish I could do to make this experience more complete I am proud of what we were able to achieve in this short time.